Leathersellers' Student Grant Application Form 2025-26

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In order to be able to resume this form later, please enter your email and choose a password.

Password must contain the following:
  • 12 Characters
  • 1 Uppercase letter
  • 1 Lowercase letter
  • 1 Number
  • 1 Special character

You must make your application for a Leathersellers Undergraduate Student Grant for 2025-26 via this online form. Please read the criteria below carefully to make sure this grant is right for you to apply for. Any questions, please contact us on studentapp@leathersellers.co.uk

Applications close at 5pm on Tuesday 11th March 2025. You will hear from us by 25th April 2025 as to whether you have been invited for an interview. 

Do you meet our criteria?
Eligibility Criteria

Assessment Criteria
Your application will be assessed on how well it meets our core criteria:
  1. Additional funding from us would support you to make the most of studying your course at university
  2. You don't have access to that money otherwise
  3. You are committed to making a positive impact on society in the future

Ready to begin?

Please read this first:

You can register with us by ticking the "Save My Progress and Resume Later" box at the top of the online form. This will allow you to save your application and return to it when you next login. Your application will not be saved if you do not register your email and create a password. Please note there is no autosave function so you must press save each time you exit the application.

We appreciate this save functionality isn’t the easiest to work with, so have provided: 

We strongly recommend you prepare your longer answers offline and then just copy these into the online form when you are ready to submit. 

Submitting your form

Once you have completed your application form and you are ready to submit it, don't forget to click the "Submit" button at the bottom of this form.

After you submit your application, you are no longer able to login to amend your form. You will receive a copy of your application to the email address you provided. 

This will come from no-reply@formassembly.com. All communications from the Leathersellers' will come from studentapp@leathersellers.co.uk - please add both of these addresses to your trusted senders list to ensure you receive all future communications from us regarding your application.

If anything changes after you submit the form or you need to update any of the information, please let us know asap.  

Guidance on completing the form below

We hope that you find the application form straightforward to complete. If you have any questions when completing the form, please contact us on studentapp@leathersellers.co.uk.


Any questions with an asterisk (*) must be completed, and you will not be able to submit unless you provide an answer to that question. 


Unfortunately, we always receive more applications than we can support. To give yourself the best opportunity of receiving a grant please take your time to consider the answers and make sure that you proofread the application to resolve any typos or misunderstandings.


Be as clear as you can, and we look forward to receiving your form.

About you and your course

This email address will be our primary way to contact you during the application process.

Video, website etc. Please add one link only.

2000 character limit

This is the start date for your entire course, not the year you are in currently.

This is the date you will graduate.

Please select all that apply (hold ctrl to select multiple options)

If this is unconfirmed at the time of application please write "to be confirmed", or if the same as above please write "same as home address"

Personal Statement

2000 character limit

2000 character limit

2000 character limit

2000 character limit
Academic or Professional Reference
Please provide an academic/professional reference from an individual who knows you from school, university, a mentoring or access programme, a social worker or personal advisor, or from a job or volunteering role. We are not looking for a personal reference from a relative or friend.

Your reference should be a separate document - if from a school, university or local authority it should be on headed paperand should contain a brief statement (max 1 page) explaining:
- how long they have known you
- in what capacity they know you
- why they think the Leathersellers' should consider supporting you with a student grant
- who they are (an email signature can be useful here)

Why do we ask for this?

We are looking for a reference that adds something extra to your application, so please consider who is best to ask for this.

We will only contact a small number of referees each year to verify the reference and will delete this contact information after your application has been processed. We will never share the name or email address with any other party.
Education Details
Please tell us about your education to date, any schools, colleges, and universities you have attended, the qualifications you obtained including the subject and the date.

Please only include the highest level of qualifications you received e.g. A levels, Scottish Highers or Advanced Highers, International Baccalaureate etc.

(e.g. North East, London, South West, International)

Max. 1000characters.


Please enter numbers only - do not use £ signs or commas

Please enter numbers only - do not use £ signs or commas.

500 character limit
Current debt

Please enter numbers only - do not use £ signs or commas.

Please enter numbers only - do not use £ signs or commas.

Please enter numbers only - do not use £ signs or commas.

Please enter numbers only - do not use £ signs or commas.

Please enter numbers only - do not use £ signs or commas.

Please enter numbers only - do not use £ signs or commas.

Employment History
Please provide details of any employment you have had in the last two years (up to 4 positions held):

Additional Information

2000 character limit
EDI (Equity, Diversity and Inclusion)
The Leathersellers' Foundation is committed to a policy of equal opportunities for all grant applicants. We recognise it is unlawful to discriminate against anyone on the grounds of a protected characteristic as established in the Equality Act 2010. As well as honouring our legal obligations, we welcome the benefits a diverse student population brings in our mission to improve social mobility. We are asking the questions below to have some overall data to understand the profile of who applies to us and how reflective that is of the people who succeed.

Your answers below will be separated from your application before it is assessed, and will have no bearing on the outcome of the application. We will not publish any of the data related to individuals but will use the overall figures internally to consider ways to improve our process and may potentially share the headline figures on our website or in our reports to demonstrate to future candidates that we are an inclusive funder.

Data Protection
Information provided by you on this application form will be kept by the Leathersellers' Foundation and the Leathersellers' Company (or any person, company or third party working for us) for the purposes of processing this application, monitoring and reporting on the Student Grants programme. For more information on how we collect, process and share your personal information please see our Privacy Notice. You have certain legal rights in respect of the personal information that we hold about you, including the right to request a copy of your personal information. If you have any questions about the way we use your personal information, or if you wish to access, update or correct your personal information, please contact us at studentapp@leathersellers.co.uk